Tetrabin deployment at Food-X Demo Day.
Author: Monnie @ Sencity
If you happen to pass by A/D/O, a creative space at Greenpoint Brooklyn on the morning of April 20, you might have seen people lining up and waiting to get into the Food-X Demo Day. Inside that building, several entrepreneurs from food startups were waiting to present their greatest edible inventions to the public. Our TetraBIN was there too, waiting to be fed by the crowd.
TetraBIN, a smart and interactive waste receptacle, was deployed at the Food-X Demo day in A/D/O.
“Welcome to A/D/O!” Soon after signing in at the registration desk, visitors were greeted by Gary, a lovely digital pet who patrols on the screen of TetraBIN. Being a smart and interactive waste receptacle, TetraBIN encourages citizens’ positive behaviors of disposing their trash properly. Every time waste is placed into TetraBIN, they translate into a delightful surprises such as gigantic hearts which flies towards Gary, showing him much needed love.
While waiting to digest some empty cups and paper tissues, TetraBIN was keen to have more interactions with guests at the event. “How many banana peels can I eat?” said Gary. People could use #TetraBINtakes on their social media to share their answers.
Just as you might have asked “What is this?” “How does it work?” at the time when the first iPhone came out, tons of questions are expected for TetraBIN’s debut. #AskTetraBIN is suggested for citizens to use for asking TetraBIN questions on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
People are raising questions regarding TetraBIN on social media with #AskTetraBIN
For people who are interested in more than a Q&A session, they are able to use #TetraBIN with a certain colour word, such as #TetraBIN Red, to change the background color of TetraBIN. They can also express their feelings through the bin by tweeting #TetraBIN with a certain mood, for example, #TetraBIN Happy. The emoji represented that mood will be shown on TetraBIN, following the person’s Twitter handle. The demonstration video below shows how it works with recolor TetraBIN through Twitter:
Of course, TetraBIN can also provide information to event attendants who are seeking help with direction, event time, and any other details. Content on TetraBIN can easily be managed remotely at anytime through Sencity’s online portal, which allows bin owners to quickly response to the last-minute changes with more flexibility.
More interactive experiences can be deployed onto TetraBIN to help businesses perfect their event management, marketing, and services. What’s more important is, it makes doing good fun. TetraBIN provides new layers of public entertainment, and contextual and spatial awarenesses to get people pay attention to their cities.
Watch more videos about how TetraBIN interacts with citizens on its Instagram.